Wednesday 26 April 2017

Refreshing Summer Drinks to Cool you

Having cool drinks in summer is so refreshing that there is nobody on the earth who can say no to these drinks.These cool drinks not only quench your thirst but also gives you lots of energy, vitamins and minerals.

 I am not talking about all those colourful aerated soft drinks available in the market. They have nothing except lots of calories, artificial flavours and preservatives .

Having these aerated soft drinks, you will be refreshed for some time but that will be temporary. After some time you will feel thirsty again. We should always avoid giving these aerated drinks to kids as they are really harmful for their health.

 Its always better and healthy to make some fresh and cool drinks at home. Home made cool drinks are full of nutritions and they also recharge your energy levels after a hot and sluggish day.

  It is really easy to make some natural refreshing cool drinks at home with all the healthy and easily available ingredients around us. Ofcourse you cannot store them for long but you can drink it as soon as you make it. 

Drinking fresh juices and mocktails have its own freshness and aroma in its flavour and taste that you would love it and want to have it again and again especially in these hot summers.

 Here is the list of some healthy, fresh and cool drinks to beat the summer heat.These summer drink sips will quench your thirst and also please your palates.

List of cool and  Refreshing  health Drinks:

1. Watermelon lemonade: 

Watermelon is nature's fruit of summer season. It is low calorie fruit with high water content and also loaded with nutrients. It has vitamin A, vitamin C, potassium and magnesium.It has antioxidants which are good for your skin cells too. 

So having watermelon juice is best in summer. It will definetely refresh you in hot days and balance your body electrolytes. Having watermelon in any form is good but to quench your thirst, making a watermelon lemonade is a delight to your taste buds.

 For making watermelon lemonade, put chopped watermelon pieces and lemon juice  in a mixer grinder and blend a smooth puree of it. Add sugar if required. Since watermelon itself is a sweet fruit so generally sugar is not required. You can also add black salt and mint to have little twist in flavour. 

2. Lemon mint iced tea:

Lemon  mint iced tea in summer is a good alternative for hot tea as hot tea adds heat to your body and also dehydrates your body. So having iced tea is a good option with several health benefits. 

Use Green tea instead of black tea as it is more healthy. Green tea contains antioxidents and nutrients that have many health benefits. This includes improved brain function, fat loss, lower risk of cancer and many other. Nowadays, all big brands are promoting green tea for weight loss.

 Making iced tea is very simple. Take some hot water in a cup, put green tea bag in it . Let it stay there for 5 to 10 minutes. See that it has nicely infused in water giving it golden brown colour. Add honey and mint leaves in it for more healthier option. Now add some juice of about half a lemon and mix it. Lastly add some ice cubes in it to make it chilled. Now you can enjoy sipping  this ice cold tea in hot summers.

3. Buttermilk:

This is a traditional summer drink of India made almost in every home. Drinking buttermilk on daily basis significantly lowers blood pressure. It is a good source of vitamin B complex, protein and potassium. 

It has a cooling effect in our body and improves digestion since it is good source of probiotics, the good bacteria for healthy digestive system. It provides calcium for healthy bones. It has no fat and full of nutrients so it help in weight loss too.

 Buttermilk is prepared using a few spoons of natural yogurt mixed with water and blended well. Often some spices such as cumin powder, pepper, ginger, green chillies, curry leaves and coriander leaves are crushed and added to the mixture to enhance its taste and therapeutic benefits.

4: Cucumber lemonade: 

This green vegetable has natural cooling properties and loaded with lot of nutrients. Having it in the form of salad or juice  is natural summer coolant. 

This healthy drink has high content of water and contains vitamin K, silica, vitamin A, vitamin C and antioxidents. Cucumber is widely used in beauty industry for healthy hair and skin.

 It hydrates your body, replenish daily nutrients and eliminates toxins from the body. Having cucumber juice on daily basis helps you in weight loss and improves your digestion too. 

You can blend cucumber juice in a mixer. Add lemon juice and little bit of black salt to give it a tangy flavour.

5. Honey lemonade:

Drinking honey lemonade in the morning in empty stomach have many benefits. It boosts your metabolism and help you in losing weight. It also eliminates toxins from the body.

 This drink hydrates and cleanses the digestive system. Thus, it prevents constipation and keeps infections at bay.With the goodness of lemon for skin and body, this drink is perfect as early morning drink.

 Making honey lemonade is very simple .Take some warm water and mix honey in it. Stir the mixture till it dissolves. Then add some fresh lemon juice and chilled water. Stir the mixture. Honey lemonade  is ready. Put some ice cubes in it and the chilled drink is ready to beat the summer heat.

6. Strawberry lassi:

Strawberry lassi has goodness of Yogurt and strawberry. Yogurt has  calcium for healthy bones and proteins for healthy muscles .It also has Vitamin A,  vitamin C and probiotics, the good bacteria which help in digestion.

 Addding strawberries to the lassi adds extra nutrition to it. They are packed with essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants which help in lowering blood pressure and protect your heart. Here is a brief idea on how to make it.

 In a mixer put chilled  straberry slices and  a cup of chilled yogurt. Puree it till smooth. Add sugar or honey as per your taste. Add cardamom powder to give it a nice flavour.

You can add any fruit you of your choice in your lassi like mango, banana or avacado. You can also have plain lassi too without adding any fruit in it. Plain lassi also tastes wonderful.

7. Fruit juices

Having any fruit juice is a healthier option in any season. All fruits are loaded with  different nutrients and antioxidents. These nutrients make your immunity system strong and help you in fighting many diseases. 

Different fruit juices add different flavours and taste to your palate and provides your body different essential nutrients too. So always try having juices of different fruits on daily basis so that your body is not deperived of any nutrient. 

You can also mix two or three fruits together and blend in a mixer to make fruit punch of different colour and taste. Just be innovative with fruit juices, they have amazing benefits for your health and glowing skin too.

8. Carrot juice:

Carrot juice is another healthier vegetable juice. Carrots are valuable source of antioxidents, vitamins and minerals. It boosts your immune system. 

 It is a powerhouse of vitamin A which is good for eyesight.Vitamin A is an antioxidant that attacks free radicals, and thereby prevents signs of aging like pigmentation, wrinkles and uneven skin tone.

 Carrots have beta-carotene that is a skin-friendly component converted into vitamin A inside human body. It is helpful in repairing skin tissues too.

Carrot juice is made by blending carrot pieces in a mixer by adding some water to it. Now a days power juicers are available in the market which can blend vegetable juices without adding water to it easily so that you can enjoy pure vegetable juice.

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Tuesday 18 April 2017

Beat the Heat Naturally this Summer without AC

When summer comes to mind, everybody thinks of long summer vacations, enjoying picnics, outdoor activities, swimming pool, icecreams and cold drinks.

 For kids it is a very special season as parent's restrictions are off  this season. They can enjoy at the beaches and other water bodies like lakes, rivers, ponds etc. 

However, we  should never forget to take care of our health and body during this season as dusty, hot and dry winds blow throughout the day and can harm us severely. These can cause heatstrokes, sunburns, tanning, dehydration, diarrhoea, cholera etc.

Nature has made us and also given us many natural ways to protect ourself from these harsh conditions of weather. Here are some natural ways to combat the harsh effects of summer and make ourself cool. So you can now enjoy summer with these pocket friendly tips.

Natural Ways To Protect Yourself From Summer:


1.Keep your home cool:

 Keep your window curtains closed in the daytime. Spray some water on the curtains to make it damp to get some cool air inside.

As the air enters into the room through the window, it becomes cool as the water from the damp curtain evaporates making it cool. So it acts as a natural cooler.
2.Keep ice cubes in a bowl filled with water in a room:

 For making your room cool, keep a big bowl filled with water and ice cubes in your room under a ceiling fan or in front of the table fan. 

This works, when the fan is on , the air  coming from the fan evaporates this ice cool water and thus makes the air in the room cooler. 

3.Keep your bed cool: 

Store bed sheets and pillow covers in the Refrigerater for a couple of hours and then make your bed with  these cooled bed linens just  before you go to sleep.You will get a nice sleep on this cooler bed in the hot summer.

4.Wear cotton clothes:


Wear loose fitting and light colour cotton clothes.Cotton is a breathable fabric, so heat don't get trapped in it. Light colour clothes reflects the sunlight. This helps in not getting the heat trapped inside cotton clothes, so you feel cool in this fabric.

Cotton clothes also help in preventing various skin allergies also. Please avoid wearing satin, silk and dark coloured clothes in this season.

5.Keep yourself hydrated:

 Drink lots of water, fruit juices, coconut water, watermelon juice etc. to prevent yourself from dehydration in this hot season.

All these keeps your body electrolytes balanced.They also provide your body with essential nutrients to keep you going this season.

6.Eat summer  fruits and vegetables:

 Nature has made its own diet to protect its living beings from its harsh conditions. Summer fruits like watermelon, muskmelon, mangoes, coconut water, cucumber etc. are full of vitamins, minerals and high water content to balance your body electrolytes and boost your energy levels throughout the day. 

So eating summer fruits and vegetables is a natural way to protect yourself from the summer heat and also help in increasing your immunity by giving your body all essential nutrients required for this season.

7.Restricting outdoor activities to the morning and evening:

Unless it's very important to step out of the house in the afternoon,  you are advised to do your outdoor activities during mornings and evenings to protect youself from harsh sun's heat. This is mainly for the reason that hot and dry winds mostly blow in the afternoon in summers. 

So to keep yourself protected, plan your activities accordingly and stay safe in summers. 

8.Taking cool showers: 

 In summers you can take cool showers twice or thrice a day .Cool showers can be refreshing after a long hot day as it brings down your body temperature and also cleans sweat, dirt and grime that sticks to your body. So feel free to take cool showers as often as you want.

9:Wear hats, scarves, sunglasses and umbrella: 

 When stepping out in the sun do make use of umbrella, hats, scarves and sunglasses to protect yourself from sun's heat and UV rays.

 UV rays are most harmful for your skin. Apply sunscreen on your skin before stepping out in the sun. Always Carry a water bottle to prevent yourself from dehydration.

 10.Do water sports: 

 Do water sports like swimming or simply play in the water to make yourself cool in the summers. This is the only season in which you can play in water or do water sports without any limitation or restriction. 

 11.Visit some hillstation: 

This is the best time to visit hillstations to get some break from daily routine and work. It is also good idea for protecting yourself and your family from  scorching heat. 

You can explore new places with family and friends, have fun and enjoy great weather too. 

12.Excercise and Workout should be done in the early morning or late evening: 

 You should do your regular excercise and workout during early morning or late evening to prevent youself from excessive sweating and dehydration. 

Also have lots of water and fresh juice to prevent yourself from dehydration after excercising.

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Friday 14 April 2017

Benefits of Mangoes for Healthy Skin and Body

Our favourite and delicious mango has many benefits for our skin and health. Have you ever wondered how good it is for our health!

 The yummy fruit mango has its own benefits in its raw and ripe form. So just thought of posting this blog before the summer season ends and we can all enjoy eating mangoes and have its maximum benefit for our health and skin. 

Various researches on mangoes have found that mangoes are important in the prevention of diseases because they are rich in various vitamins and minerals.

Mangoes are rich in vitamin A and C, calcium, iron and 82% of magnesium which is vital for the extraction of wastes in the body. 

Magoes have different health benefits in its raw as well as in ripe form. You can enjoy mangoes in its both form to get its maximum benefits.

 So  here is  the list of its benefits  in raw form as well as in the ripe form. Here goes the list of its goodness....

Benefits of Raw Mango
  •  Drinking unripe mango juice prevents the excessive loss of sodium chloride and iron due to excessive sweating. 

  •  Unripe mangoes are a rich source of pectin, which if mixed with honey and salt, is highly beneficial in treating gastro-intestinal disorders.

  •  Raw mangoes contain an acid which helps ease digestion and control constipation. 

  •  Raw mangoes are extremely beneficial in treating blood disorders because of their high Vitamin C content. Vitamin C increases the elasticity of the blood vessels and boosts the formation of new blood cells. It also aids the absorption of iron and prevents bleeding tendencies besides increasing body resistance against TB, anaemia, cholera and dysentery. 

  •  Dried mango powder is highly beneficial in treating Scurvy.

  •  Unripe mangoes help in treating liver disorders because they increase the secretion of bile acids and clean the intestines of bacterial infections.

  • They also have more Antioxidants and Vitamin C than ripe mangoes. These antioxidant properties protect the body against cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

  • They also help the skin soften and breathe making it healthy.  

Benefits Of Ripe Mango

The most delicious and favourite fruit of all or you can say the most loved fruit of all has amazing health benefits since it is a store house of vitamins , minerals and fibre.

Apart from satisfying your taste buds, it also gives innumerous health benefits. Let me list the health benefits of Ripe Mango.

  • Research has shown antioxidents in mango fruit have been found to protect against colon, breast, leukemia and prostate cancers. These compounds include quercetin, isoquercitrin, astragalin, fisetin, gallic acid and methylgallat, as well as the abundant enzymes. 

  •  The high levels of fiber, pectin and vitamin C help to lower serum cholestorol specifically Low-Density Lipoprotein (the bad stuff). 

  • Can be used both internally and externally for the skin. Mangoes help clear clogged pores and eliminate pimples.

  • One cup of sliced mangoes supplies 25 percent of the needed daily value of vitamin A, which promotes good eyesight and prevents night blindness and dry eyes.

  • The tartaric acid, malic acid, and a trace of citric acid found in the fruit help to maintain the alkali reserve of the body.

  • Mango leaves help normalize insulin levels in the blood. The traditional home remedy involves boiling leaves in water, soaking through the night and then consuming the filtered decoction in the morning. Mango fruit also has a relatively low glycemic index (41-60) so moderate quantities will not spike your sugar levels.

  • Mango contain an enzymes for breaking down protein. The fiber in mangoes also helps digestion and elimination.

  • The generous amounts of vitamin C and vitamin A in mangoes, plus 25 different kinds of carotenoids keep your immune system healthy and strong.

  • Just blending up the mango and applying it to the face help in protecting your face from many skin related problems. Mangoes contain beta-carotene, which is converted by your body to vitamin A. That and vitamin C are crucial to skin self-repair.

  • When eaten, mangos can aid in reducing skin problems, including pimples.


  • If you have a latex allergy, a reaction is possible with mangos, particularly green mangos. This reaction develops because of anacardic acid.

  • Mango peel and sap contain urushiol, the chemical in poison ivy and poison sumac which can cause an allergic reaction in susceptible individual. 

  • Mangos are ripened by some dealers using calcium carbide, which can cause serious health problems (one more reason to buy organic).  If you do have inorganic mangos, wash them properly before consuming or soak overnight in water. 
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Tuesday 11 April 2017

Simple tips to have Healthy and Glowing Skin in Summer



 Summer has already knocked our doors and it means lot of outdoor activites to enjoy but harsh sun and extreme heat can cause havoc to your skin. 

It can cause tanning, dullness, pigmentation, premature ageing etc. Taking care of your skin in this season is must, to keep it healthy and glowing. 

You don't need to do any complicated or boring stuff, just follow these simple day to day routines to make your body and skin healthy and beautiful.

If you are healthy from inside of your body, it automatically shows on your face and skin. Here are some tips to get glowing and healthy skin in summer. 

To get that beautiful glow on your face and body, you have to be healthy from inside as well as outside of  your body. Here are some simple tips which you can follow to get that awesome glow on your body and face forever.

To Keep Youself Healthy From Inside Of  Your Body:


  • Keep yourself hydrated by drinking lots of water. In summer water loss from the body is more due to the hot temperature outside and in the form of sweating from your body. So drinking lots of water in summer is very important to repalce those lost fluids due to sweating and this also help you in keeping your body cool in summers.

  • Drink juices, buttermilk, lemon juice, coconut water etc. to restore your lost energy and fluids. These drinks and juices provides your body required water and essential nutrients to keep you going this season by replacing lost fluids and energy.

  • Use umbrella and hats to protect yourself from the sun's heat and harmful UV rays. Harmful UV rays can damage your skin  badly leading to tanning, pigmentation and premature ageing. So protection from these rays is must in this season.

  • Wear cotton clothes to keep yourself cool, as cotton is a breathable fabric and it also protect your skin from various allergies . Please avoid wearing satin and silk fabrics this season. Also avoid wearing dark coloured clothes as light colours are best for this season since they reflect the sunlight.

  • Eating lots of fruits and vegetables is must because they are loaded with antioxidents and  provides all essential vitamins and minerals to your body and gives you healthy and glowing skin outside. They also increase your immunity against various diseases and also protects your skin from premature ageing.

  • Last but not the least, excercise regularly to get that radient glow on your skin. With excercising you can keep your body healthy and you can tone your muscles too. Sweating during exercise burns your calories to make you fit and also gives you a natural glow on your face and skin.

     Natural Remedy For Glowing Skin:


  • Wash your face frequently with  water to get rid of unwanted dirt, sweat and oils that get accumalated on the skin in summers.

  • Apply lemon and honey mixture on your face to get rid away of tan. Lemon has vitamin C and citric acid which help in lightining and brightening of skin. Apply this mixture for 10-15 minutes on your face and then wash off with water.

  • Rub Potato slice on your face to remove darkening and pigmentation. Potato has some enzyme which has natural bleaching properties. Using potato on your face is very simple. Just rub a potato slice on your face, let it dry for few minutes and then wash off with water.

  • To soothe your skin from inflammation due to heat, use chilled cucumber slice from the fridge and rub it all over your face for few minutes. Its cooling effect and natural vitamins and minerals will naturally soothe and heal your skin.

  • Use raw milk as a cleanser on your face in the morning. Keep it for 5 minutes and then wash off with water. Milk has lactic acid which helps in reducing pigmentation, heal sunburn, and hydrates skin. It act as a natural moisturiser too. Just dab raw milk on your face using a clean cotton ball. Let it dry for few minutes and then wash your face with water.

  • Use natural fruit face pack like mango, papaya, watermelon pulp etc. instead of the readymade ones available in the market. Just use a scoop of any fruit pulp like mango, papaya or watermelon and apply it on your face. Keep it for 15-20 minutes and then wash your face with water for natural glow on your skin.

Follow these steps regulary and you will be surprised to get that    beautiful and healthy glow on your face in summers too.

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