Drinking water stored in copper vessel was quite popular with our ancestors due to its many health benefits and also because it purifies water by killing the harmful bacteria in it. The water stored in copper vessel does not stale due to this and is fit for drinking even when stored for long time.
In Ayurveda it is mentioned that drinking water stored in copper vessel has the ability to balance all the three doshas in our body (vata, kapha and pitta).
As per Ayurveda, drinking water from copper vessel reduces ageing by stimulating the production of collagen protein that helps in connecting tissues. Also when copper gets mixed with water, then copper kills viruses, and other such micro-organism making water fit for drinking. All this is backed by science now, lets see how it works.
How does it work?
When water is stored in copper vessel, copper in very small quantities gets dissolved in water. This process is known in science as the “oligodynamic effect”. It has the power to destroy a wide range of molds, fungi, algae and harmful microbes due to its toxic effects on living cells. The copper content of water which reaches levels of about 190 µg/l is well within the permissible limits set by the World Health Organization and thus remains safe for drinking.
Copper is essential macronutrient required by our body, though our body needs it in traces but it is very essential for our brain, health and wellbeing. We can also get copper from foods like whole wheat, beans, green leafy vegetables, honey etc. but the best and easy source for meeting our body's daily requirement of copper is by drinking water stored in copper vessel for 8 hours or overnight. Let's see some amazing health benefits of drinking water stored in copper vessel.
Health Benefit of drinking water stored in copper vessel:
- It cures Anemia.
- Stimulates the Brain.
- Regulates functioning of thyroid gland.
- Promotes bone strength.
- Aids in digestion.
- Help in weight loss.
- Good for digestion system.
- Maintains good heart health
- Can fight off cancer.
- Helps wounds to heal faster.
- Slows down ageing of skin.
- helps in improving fertility and conception.
- Prevents joint pain.
- maintains acid alkaline balance in our body.
- help cleanse and detox stomach.
- Beats hypertension.
- Makes our skin healthy.
How to store and use it?
The first thing you need to do is, clean the copper jug properly before storing water in it.
1. Fill the jug with filtered water and cover the lid. Store this water overnight or for 8 hours so that some of the copper get dissolved in the water. Do not fill hot water in the copper jug for storing. Always make sure the water is filtered and at normal room temperature for storing in the copper jug.
2. Drink a glass of this stored water in the morning daily to get all its amazing benefits.
3. Use separate glass for warming the stored water if you want to drink warm water. Do not use copper vessel for warming the water or the same copper jug in which the water is stored.
How to use it as natural detox water and for weight loss?:
1.To detox your stomach naturally, have a glass of water stored in copper vessel overnight in empty stomach in the morning. This will cleanse your stomach of harmful toxins and help in weight loss too. This will also help in maintaining good digestion system.
2. You can also make this water little warm in separate vessel. Do not use microwave for warming the water. Add a spoon of honey and juice of a lemon in it to make tasty and healthy detox water to remove toxins from your body, for healthy weight loss and also to boost energy. Have this drink in the morning in empty stomach to get maximum health benefits.
After knowing all these amazing health benefits, you must be thinking of starting to drink water stored in copper vessel. You can easily buy a copper jug online if you don't find one in your nearby shops or market. Click this link to buy copper jugs from amazon
Some precaution needs to be taken while using a copper vessel as copper is a reactive metal.
1. After buying a copper jug, please clean the jug with a lemon juice and rinse it before storing water in it. Cleaning the jug once daily is important before storing water in it. You can store water for overnight and have it in the morning to reap all its health benefits.
2. Copper reacts with certain food which are slightly acidic in nature and may lead to health related issues and even cause poisoning of food. Therefore copper vessels should never be used to store or cook pickles or acidic food. Also milk and milk products such as curd, butter, ice creams react very quickly with copper so never store these in such vessels. Never keep honey, citrus juices, citrus fruits in copper vessels.
1.Though copper is essential for our body but too much of anything is harmful for our body, so having optimum quantity of this water to meet out daily copper requirement is important.
2. Some people might be sensitive to copper, adverse effects such as nausea, vomiting, headache and diarrhoea could occur in sensitive individuals. In the event of such adverse reactions, it is better to avoid its use and consult a physician in such cases or take his advice before starting to drink this water.
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