Friday, 14 July 2017

Beetroot : Cure for many health problems and how to incorporate it in your diet in various ways

Beetroot is one of the miracle vegetable available on the earth. It can cure many diseases and health problems if we include  it in our diet appropriately. If you have not still included this purple-red root in your diet,you will start using it after reading this article about its amazing health benefits. Nowdays it is also considered as superfood by dieticiens because of its innumerous health benefits. It can also used as a natural food colour as it gives  pinkish colour to the food it is added. You can add this to your kids receipe to give it a pink hue if they are fond of pink colour or  just add to make it colourful so that they love eating it also get all its nutrients.

To get maximum benefit of beetroot, start adding it your salad, make juice of it, you can also add it your sweet dish or make beetroot halwa and enjoy its benefit. You can also encourage your kids to eat beetroot as it is full of nutrients required for growing children. It is good for pregnant women also as it is nutritious and also help in proper development of their unborn baby.

Various health benefits of beetroot are : 

1. Lowers high blood pressure :

Beetroots are rich source of nitrates. These nitrates help in reducing high blood preesure. According to a research, on effects of ingesting 500 ml of beetroot juice,  it help in lowering a persons blood pressure significantly after ingesting it.

2. Reduces bad cholesterol :

Beetroot are great source of flavanoids,  soluble fibre and betacyanin. Betacyanin is a powerful anti-oxident, it also gives beetroot its purple-red colour. It help in reducing the oxidation of LDL cholesterol and does not allow it to deposit in the walls of artery. This way it  protects and help in maintaining healthy heart and can save a person from strokes and heart attack.

3. Keeps diabetes under control :

Beetroot  contains an anti-oxident called alpha lipoic acid, which may help in lowering glocose levels, increasing insulin sensitivity and prevent oxidative induced-stress in patients with diabetes.

4. Boosts stamina : 

A study has shown that beetroot help in boosting a person's energy level. According to it, due to its high nitrate content which helps in dailating the arteries and thereby increasing the transportation of oxygen throughout the body and  thus help in boosting stamina. They are also rich source of iron which also help in increasing a persons stamina.

5. Treats anemia :

Beetroots are rich source of iron which help in formation of haemagglutinin which is a component of blood that help in transportation of oxygen and other nutrients to various parts of the body and thus help in treatment of anemia.

6. Boosts brain power :

Beetroot also help to boost brain power. A research has shown that drinking beetroot juice help in improving oxygenation to the brain and help in slowing the pregression of dementia in older adults.

7. Prevents constipation :

Due to its high fibre content, it help in preventing constipation and help in maintaining healthy digestive system.  

8. Reduces inflammation :

Choline content in beetroot help in reducing inflammation as it help in maintaining cellular structure membranes, aids in trasmission of nerve impulses and assist in absorption of fat and help in reducing chronic inflammation.

9. For healthy bones : 

Beetroot contains silica an important component used by body to use calcium efficiently. Calium makes our bones and teeth, so beetroot juice help in maintaining healthy bones and help in preventing brittle bones and oesteoporosis.

10. Help in weight loss :

Since beetroot has high fibre content, it keeps you full for long time and stops inbetween meal cravings. So it help in healthy weight loss by keeping you full for long time and also provides all the nutrients to the body.

11. Good for pregnant woman and unborn child :

It is a rich source of Folic acid. Folic acid is recommended to pregnant women to prevent congenital heart defects and for healthy birth weight of baby. Since betroot contains folic acid, it is recommended to pregnant women for their good health and also for healthy development of  their baby.

These are some of the health benefits of beetroot for our body to function properly. It is always better to include variety of foods in your diet to provide overall nutrition to your body. Beetroot can be added in various reciepes to enjoy its benefits .

How to include beetroot in your diet : 

Start including beetroot in your daily receipes to get its maximum benefits. If you don't like eating it in raw form or your kid is fussy about eating it, here are some of the tricks or ways to add it in your favourite receipes.

1. Salad and Juice: 

Peel the skin of the beetroot and cut it into thin slices and add it in your favourite salad receipe. You can also make juice of it by first chopping it into small pieces and the blending it in a juicer. You can get the maximum nutrients of beetroot in its raw form.

If you don't like eating it raw then you can secretly mix them in your favourite dishes. Some of  the examples are given below.

2. Mix and cook it with other vegetables :

You can chop beetroot in small pieces and  mix it with your favourite vegetable curries. It will also add some pinkish colour to your curry so becareful on the quantity you are using.

3. Can be added to various dishes like pasta and noodles :

You can add finely chopped beetroot along with other vegetables you use to make your pasta dish. Adds little pinkish colour to your pasta depending on the quantity you use it.
4. Can be added in various rice varieties like biryani, pulav, fried rice : 

It can be added along with other chopped vegetables which are used for making various rice varieties like biryani, Pulav or fried rece. Again it will add some pinkish colour to your rice depending on the quantity of it you use for making the dish.

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